I hail from an awesome town called Bedford. As wonderful as it is, I’m a traveller at heart and thankfully I get to travel for work sometimes. Which is why I got to spend a couple days in New York City. Actually, duty called me to Boston, but when I got a notification from Busbud (a cool bus booking website that I use when in the US) saying that there were $3 tickets from Boston to New York, I couldn’t resist.
Despite past wanderings across the United States, NYC has to be one of my favourite cities. I can’t even begin to describe the way my eyes and ears throbbed, experiencing morning traffic just as my bus pulled into the Port Authority. Everything I’d seen on American television manifested before me; hurrying commuters, yellow taxis, Dunkin Donuts … Let me tell you how I spent my time in this city that has so many options, it’ll drive you insane with FOMO.
New York means fame and stars to me, which is why I made a trip to Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum. The wax figures were so creepy, but super realistic.
Lady Liberty is looking pretty scary, huh? Why go for a replica when I could see the real thing! My next destination was Liberty Island with a side excursion to Ellis Island.
One part of the trip (when I was searching for places to eat) involved randomly cruising along down the streets; it was a relaxed way of taking in all the sights.
It was after I’d found a place to have some lunch that I saw “The Beast,” a speedboat. This wasn’t part of the itinerary, but the urge to feel wind in my hair became overwhelming (even though my full stomach protested). When I finally managed to convince myself that I wouldn’t throw up, I boarded….
The ride was 30 minutes long, but it felt much shorter. It was the most exciting thing I’d done in a long time and it felt great, although my tummy was churning violently at one point.
Deciding it was time to do something a bit more relaxing, I made my way to Central Park to stroll along the tree line while dog owners entertained their pets.
There are times when I wish the clock would just stop — this was one of those days. Unfortunately, my weekend had to come to a close and it was time for this small-town girl to make her way back home, but left with lasting memories.

Calvin Yang is a friendly, outgoing person. He loves to explore the world and help people learn about it too! He recently went on a trip to Europe where he visited many different countries and cultures. One of his favorite places was Istanbul because it has so much history.