What best backpacking gear cannot be missing in your bag during a trip? We select the essential backpacking gears and still take the time to present some very unusual equipment. Check it!
Times have changed and, with it, our needs have also changed. A few decades ago, planning a holiday suitcase was a simple task: you calculated the number of days you would be traveling – as well as the weather – and put the pieces of clothing, footwear and accessories compatible with the characteristics of your location of destination.
1) Mobile with travel apps: Probably the most indispensable on the list, a smartphone equipped with the best travel apps can make your experience away from home even more practical. Some apps offer offline map, another to find hotels or even with tips and information on destinations.
2) Rechargeable case for your smartphone: So you do not run the risk of running out of battery when you need it the most, the rechargeable tablets and / or mobile covers increase the remaining battery life of your device by up to 50%.
3) Digital scale for luggage: Do you want to shop during your trip? Excess baggage can be a problem during your return if you buy too many items. And to avoid surprises during check-in, nothing beats a digital scale for your luggage. With this device, you weigh your suitcases before you even leave the hotel and are already preparing to pay the fine for or excess.
4) Mini Portable Router: If you cannot run out of internet access, portable routers are indispensable. Lightweight and practical, they ensure connection even in the most remote places.
5) Universal adapter: ideal for international stays, it allows you to charge your devices while traveling in places where the outlets differ from those in your country.
There are also other best backpacking gear to choose.

An avid traveler, James Lee has been to over 50 countries. He has an extensive background in tourism and hospitality management, along with a degree in Hospitality Management from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. James is very knowledgeable about travel-related topics – they are always up to date on the latest deals for flights, hotels, and other adventures around the world.